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The Philosophy of Quality

The Philosophy of Quality

Earlier, Georgians were surprised by the expression: "I am not rich enough to buy cheap products." However, the number of people in Georgia who make decisions about the product to be purchased based on its quality is growing every year.

In the field of marketing, it is known that the products of the companies whose marketing strategy is based on a detailed analysis of consumer behavior sell the best. At the current stage of Georgia's economic development, a business that claims quality is facing a dilemma: is it possible for a company to produce quality products that are acceptable to customers, but at a price that guarantees profit and increases sales?

For the last twenty years, this challenge has been on the agenda of DIO. We respond to it by using an appropriate marketing strategy for economic development. DIO since its inception has been associated with quality, but not so low price. We created DIO in 1996 with zero capital, after the civil war in Georgia, after the economic and social catastrophe of 1991-1994. I think we took a risky, bold step when we decided to introduce a new product to Georgian consumers, sun protection shades - European quality curtain blinds. Then the main challenge for us was how to sell this new and not so cheap product. However, the first few experimental sales themselves answered this question: the first products we made were bought by those who had information about curtain blinds; these were the representations of foreign embassies and international organizations. Initially, the sales were made at the expense of such organizations. These consumers knew the usefulness of the product and the price of its quality. They played a big role in shaping our company's overall marketing strategy, which was as follows: “We sell not cheap, but quality products, so we must meet customer expectations. "Customers need to make sure that the product they pay for today will serve them for decades." Therefore, we started to take daily care of the quality of products and services. These efforts have not gone unnoticed by our customers and trust in the company has gradually increased. Initially, the sales were made at the expense of such organizations. These consumers knew the usefulness of the product and the price of its quality. They played a big role in shaping our company's overall marketing strategy, which was as follows: “We sell not cheap, but quality products, so we must meet customer expectations." Customers need to make sure that the product they pay for today will serve them for decades." Therefore, we started to take daily care of the quality of products and services. These efforts have not gone unnoticed by our customers and trust in the company has gradually increased. They played a big role in shaping our company's overall marketing strategy, which was as follows: “We sell not cheap, but quality products, so we must meet customer expectations." Customers need to make sure that the product they pay for today will serve them for decades." Therefore, we started to take daily care of the quality of products and services. These efforts have not gone unnoticed by our customers and trust in the company has gradually increased. They played a big role in shaping our company's overall marketing strategy, which was as follows: “We sell not cheap, but quality products, so we must meet customer expectations." Customers need to make sure that the product they pay for today will serve them for decades." Therefore, we started to take daily care of the quality of products and services. These efforts have not gone unnoticed by our customers and trust in the company has gradually increased. We started to take care of the quality of products and services on a daily basis. These efforts have not gone unnoticed by our customers and trust in the company has gradually increased. We started to take care of the quality of products and services on a daily basis. These efforts have not gone unnoticed by our customers and trust in the company has gradually increased.

At the end of the nineties, the first signs of economic awakening appeared in Georgia, in 1996-1997 GDP increased by 10%, hyperinflation ceased, the coupon was replaced by GEL and foreign direct investment increased. All this was reflected in the growth of the purchasing power of companies, government organizations and then the population. Consequently, the area of ​​our customers has expanded and it is time for the second bold step. We introduced a product that was very popular in European countries at that time - external protective blinds with remote control. It was an alternative to metal makeshift outdoor blinds, more comfortable, more aesthetic and, of course, more financially valuable. It was then that the first commercial for DIO was created, which shows how children wake up in the morning after which puts the mother on the outer protective blinds and a sunny and cheerful new day begins in the family. This video still remains in the memory of many of our users. Its main purpose was to protect the safety of the family and quality played an important role here as well. Our approach paid off. Outdoor protective blinds have gained great popularity in a short time.

DIO was growing and so has the competition, as the price battle became more and more critical. At this point we are again faced with a dilemma: price or quality? We did not want to give up quality for anything, because that was the biggest advantage of DIO. That is why we took another bold step and in 2001 we started to produce German-made plastic doors and windows. We did this when 98% of the market in this segment in Georgia was occupied by non-European products. Given the reality of Georgia at the time, at first glance, this step may have been unpromising for many, but we knew how important proper communication with customers was. Over the years, we have explained to customers in word and deed that if they paid 20-30% more, they would get doors and windows. Which would serve for decades and also save on heating and air conditioning costs during that time. That is, in the end it turned out that the consumer paid less and received more. It took us years to establish this approach, but the number of people who valued quality was steadily growing.

After the financial crisis of 2008-2009, the decline in purchasing power in many countries around the world, a new demand arose for consumers around the world: to get good quality again, but at a lower price. Consumer demand for quality has not diminished, while purchasing power has declined. This laid the groundwork for intensifying competition between businesses. Many companies in the world, and in the Georgian market, DIO were looking for a solution.

Added to this was the sharp devaluation of the Lari from the end of 2014, which escalated into a currency crisis. Due to declining revenues, consumers were finding it increasingly difficult to make decisions about large purchases, paying more attention to price, and at the same time demanding the best quality guarantee. Had it not been so, in any case, we could not have given up on quality as it would have been tantamount to betraying the principles of our company. Therefore, in addition to existing products, we also offer customers a new, economical line of curtain-blinds, awnings, insect-proof blinds and plastic doors and windows. It was a series of relatively simple and plain design products that cost 20-30% less than the standard, although the quality was fully in line with European standards.

World economic trends, of course, will affect Georgia as well. DIO's marketing strategy is developing dynamically and adapting to the new economic reality. We actively strive to offer our customers a wide range of products available to all segments of the customer, with ancillary services so that it retains the following feeling: “My purchase is durable and high quality. That's what I was looking for."

"Dios" is very dear to each of its customers, because it is thanks to them that we have grown, developed and because of them we do not relax for a single minute.

Congratulations to all of Georgia and Forbes Magazine on the New Year 2018 and I wish you a year full of pleasant economic news!
