DIO is involved in the 1 for me 1 for you Social Campaign

DIO is involved in the 1 for me 1 for you Social Campaign

DIO is involved in #1forme1foryou campaign. From the social enterprise "Overalls" bought personal clothes, and with the money received sewing for pregnant women, the homeless and those with special needs. Provided individuals with personalities. DIO continues to cooperate with this enterprise and is always ready to be actively involved in such social activities.

Let us remind you that in 2019, DIO provided space for the enterprise (which employs people with disabilities and produces special clothes for them) with colored blinds.

"We are constantly striving to use the maximum of opportunities and to carry out consistent, necessary, sustainable and result-oriented activities instead of one-time social activities. We are trying to make a contribution to the solution of the existing social or economic problem by this action," - said DIO.

In addition, DIO pursues an anti-discrimination and equality policy and resists any form of discrimination. Since 2017, the company has joined the UN Principles for the Empowerment of Women, which includes maximum protection of women's rights in the workplace, encouragement of women to high-ranking positions and the so-called employment in non-traditional positions.
